
Episode 46: Gen Z is the Future of Work

Episode 46: Gen Z is the Future of Work

Where is the world of work heading? Especially with the growing presence of Generation Z in the workforce. Episode 46 features a conversation with work futurist and innovation specialist, Sophie Wade. We discuss the changing environments and dynamics of work and the role that Gen Z is playing in shaping the future of work.

Episode 45: Gen Z at Work

Episode 45: Gen Z at Work

This episode features an interview with Dr. Corey Seemiller, generational expert and co-lead of the Institute of Generational Research and Education. We kick off this season with a deep dive into the findings from our research on Generation Z over the last decade related to how they view work and the themes that employers need to be paying attention to.

Episode 41: Measuring Cohort Culture-Part 2

Measuring cohort culture is no small feat, which is why we need multiple minds working to build greater knowledge. In part 2 of Measuring Cohort Culture, Tyler Mitic, the CEO and founder of Teen View, shares about his work in developing a community of Gen Zers to help companies and organizations gain insights into the world of Generation Z.

This podcast is recorded and hosted on Zencastr. Learn more about hosting your podcast on Zencastr: Host Your Podcast on Zencastr.

Episode 27: Generation Z Votes Part 2

The co-executive directors of Coalition Z join for a conversation about Generation Z voting and political perspectives. We discuss the social issues that are important to Generation Z along with what Generation Z is looking for in elected leaders and politicians. And they provide insight on how to effectively engage Generation Z and encourage political participation. 

You can learn more about Coalition Z in the following link: Download the Voices on Voting report.

If you’d like to learn more about Generation Z voting and politics, you can download our Voices on Voting research report in the following link: Learn more about Coalition Z

And a special discount code for all #GenZ listeners who are interested in taking our new online courses. Use the code genzpodcast15 to save 15% on all course and bundle purchases at

Episode 26: Generation Z Votes Part 1

Season 3 kicks off with a conversation with Dr. Corey Seemiller about Generation Z and voting and politics. We discuss findings from our most recent study on Generation Z's viewpoints on voting, perspectives on politics and ways older generations can help engage Generation Z in voting and civic discussions. 

You can read more about our Generation Z Voices on Voting research by downloading our report here: Download the Generation Z Voices on Voting Research Report.

Corey and I also recently released a new Generation Z online course series designed for those who want to better understand, work with, and engage members of Generation Z. You can learn more about our courses here: Generation Z Online Courses. #GenZ listeners can save 15% on all course or bundle purchases using code genzpodcast15.